Thursday, August 4, 2011

3rd August 2011 - "The Mesa" Free Camp - Lloyd Jones Weir Free Camp

Woke up to another glorious morning with no clouds or wind at our "The Mesa" free camp.  Had our brekky talking to another couple that also stayed overnight at OUR camp!!!.  On towards Winton for a quick look around and then down to Longreach.  Looks like the Patrol has developed a "tick" and we are looking at going straight into Charleville to see the Nissan dealer.  Just passed at least 20 Army vehicles heading north with tanks and APC's on board.  Hope we aren't at war and I don't know it!!!!! That's the disadvantage of no papers, TV or news bulletins.  Camping 15kms SW of Balcaldine tonight at a free camp called Lloyd Jones Weir. The camp was lovely & quiet right beside the weir wall.  There were approx 30 caravans and it resembled a caravan park as we arrived but it was actually quite nice. Cooked up a roast marinated lamb in the camp oven tonight.  This time we did it with heat beads in the 1/2 gas bottle.  When the meal was finished we topped up the bottle with wood and sat around a lovely fire to have our coffee.  Patrol is now traveling OK - Barry thinks it may have been a bad lot of fuel.

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