Tuesday, August 9, 2011

7th August 2011 – Kidmans Camp – Lachlan River Free Camp (1089)

20 to 9 and we hit the road listening to “Macka” on the ABC.  Lots of wild goats along the roadside between Bourke & Cobar.  They must be a little smarter than Kangaroos as there aren’t any dead ones on the side of the road.  A little rain during last night but today back to warm and sunny.  Stopped at Cobar for MT and photos at the TI.  Lots of interesting sculptures and a lovely park area.  Then it was down to the Lachlan River Free Camp.  1089 in the camps 5 book.  Lovely spot and got the camp fire going for our last night out free camping.  Camped right beside the river with the back wheels of the van securely “chocked”.  Thunder storm with lightening around 4.30pm but luckily didn’t put the fire out and I was able to cook the pineapple upside down cake in the camp oven as promised.  Quite cold now and the sleeping bag is back on the bed and we are back in long pants.  Only 328kms down to Deniliquin where joy & Wayne will leave us and we will stay on for another 6 nights to clean and repack the van for our next adventure!!!!

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