Tuesday, August 9, 2011

8th August 2011 – Lachlan River Free Camp – Deniliquin

Grey, drizzly & cold to start the day.  Raining quite heavily as we head down towards Hay.  The road is covered in water and there are lots of patches of water that we really feel when we hit them.  The road is also a disgusting goat track with pot holes and rough edges. Special treat today for MT, we stopped at the Bakery at Hay and had pies, pasties and hot chocolate….yummy.  First time in the 5+ weeks we have been away that we have actually bought our MT.  Off to Deni and will probably go to the RSL for our farewell dinner tonight.  Pulled into Riverside Caravan Park and the rain has all but cleared.  Joy & I are off to do some shopping and then decide where we will go tonight.  A little sad that it is now all but over.  Has been a lot of fun and seen lots of very interesting places.

7th August 2011 – Kidmans Camp – Lachlan River Free Camp (1089)

20 to 9 and we hit the road listening to “Macka” on the ABC.  Lots of wild goats along the roadside between Bourke & Cobar.  They must be a little smarter than Kangaroos as there aren’t any dead ones on the side of the road.  A little rain during last night but today back to warm and sunny.  Stopped at Cobar for MT and photos at the TI.  Lots of interesting sculptures and a lovely park area.  Then it was down to the Lachlan River Free Camp.  1089 in the camps 5 book.  Lovely spot and got the camp fire going for our last night out free camping.  Camped right beside the river with the back wheels of the van securely “chocked”.  Thunder storm with lightening around 4.30pm but luckily didn’t put the fire out and I was able to cook the pineapple upside down cake in the camp oven as promised.  Quite cold now and the sleeping bag is back on the bed and we are back in long pants.  Only 328kms down to Deniliquin where joy & Wayne will leave us and we will stay on for another 6 nights to clean and repack the van for our next adventure!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

6th August 2011 - Warrego River Free Camp - Kidmans Camp

A little windy this morning but still lovely and warm.  Thought we may have got some rain last night as it came over quite grey and threatening.  After checking the internet this morning we found that Deniliquin & Hay got the rain.  8mm & 20mm respectively overnight.  We still haven’t seen any rain since Alice Springs. While eating our brekky this morning a group of 6 kangaroos hopped through the edge of our camp and down to the river. It really is lovely to be sitting here and seeing that happen so close. Today we are heading down to Kidman Camp for the night.  Morning Tea at Cunnamulla beside the TI and a lovely lush green park. That's me in the picture getting a cuddle from "The Cunnamulla Fella".  Pulled into Kidmans Camp around 3.00pm so off the road nice and early today.

5th August 2011 - Charleville - Warrego River Free Camp


Well it is now all settled.  11.00am and I have the money and no house – feels a little surreal.  Now all I need to do is focus on getting Paynesville started and finished so we can shift in.  This maybe a new “project’ for me to get my teeth into.!!!  Talking to the butcher in Charleville whilst buying shanks for dinner, he told us about a free camp spot at Wyandra 100kms south of Charleville on the Warrego River.  So we thought we head there for tonight. Great spot, the campsite was next to the bridge over the Warrego River and the road leads to homesteads so only 3 cars for the whole time we were there.  Extremely quiet.  Shanks in the camp over for dinner and then sat around the ½ 44 gallon drum where the fire was for our coffee and fruit cake.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

4th August 2011 - Lloyd Jones Weir - Charleville

Today we are going back into Barcaldine to have a better look around then heading down to Blackall before staying in the Caravan Park at Charleville. Definitely NOT staying in the park we stayed in the last time we went through town.  That greedy bugger had us crammed in with more caravans in front of us......... The Tree of Knowledge in Barcaldine now has this beautiful structure built around it, and Barry attempted to obtain any knowledge remaining by placing his brain against the tree.  It is huge, the inside is filled with large logs of wood hanging to resemble and sound, like wind chimes when the wind is blowing and they knock together.  MT at Blackall which included a photo shoot at the site of the original black stump and then down to the park with the eagle sculpture.  There are lots of caravans free camping there and it is nearly lawn, very nice.  On the way from Blackall to Tambo there was a mother Emu standing by the side of the road with 8 chicks in tow, unfortunately not quick enough with the camera to get a nice picture.!! This road is a disgrace (Blackall to Tambo) should be called a goat track instead of a highway. Worst road we have been on for ages.....Hope it improves down the "track"!!!!!!!!!

3rd August 2011 - "The Mesa" Free Camp - Lloyd Jones Weir Free Camp

Woke up to another glorious morning with no clouds or wind at our "The Mesa" free camp.  Had our brekky talking to another couple that also stayed overnight at OUR camp!!!.  On towards Winton for a quick look around and then down to Longreach.  Looks like the Patrol has developed a "tick" and we are looking at going straight into Charleville to see the Nissan dealer.  Just passed at least 20 Army vehicles heading north with tanks and APC's on board.  Hope we aren't at war and I don't know it!!!!! That's the disadvantage of no papers, TV or news bulletins.  Camping 15kms SW of Balcaldine tonight at a free camp called Lloyd Jones Weir. The camp was lovely & quiet right beside the weir wall.  There were approx 30 caravans and it resembled a caravan park as we arrived but it was actually quite nice. Cooked up a roast marinated lamb in the camp oven tonight.  This time we did it with heat beads in the 1/2 gas bottle.  When the meal was finished we topped up the bottle with wood and sat around a lovely fire to have our coffee.  Patrol is now traveling OK - Barry thinks it may have been a bad lot of fuel.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2nd August 2011 - Mt.Isa - "The Mesa" Free Camp

Packed up the van and had fresh home made scones with jam for breakfast thanks to Pam and her “Turbo Cooker” then it was off towards Cloncurry.  Totally different and really lovely landscape between Mt.Isa and Cloncurry.  Quite hilly and the trees are all lush and revitalised after the rains. Views are really great with red earth, brown grasses and brilliant green trees all set upon a rocky backdrop, stunning.  Morning tea at Cloncurry, then onto McKinley where the Walkabout CreekPub is located.  This is the pub used in the Crocodile Dundee films.  We had to have a beer there as this time it was open.  Last time we went through this way it was closed.  Next it was onto Kynuna for an egg & bacon sandwich at the Kynuna Roadhouse and some pictures of the Blue Heeler Hotel.  Now on the lookout for a free camp and it doesn’t look hopeful.  Not a tree is sight and the only free camp in the book is right on the side of the road.  But, perseverance always pays off and we have found a fantastic spot behind a very interesting hill that I have named “The Mesa”.  Wayne & I walked to the top of “The Mesa” to take some pictures and the views and the sunset were spectacular. Nice and quiet and another 2 campers have made their way in.