Tuesday, July 12, 2011

11th July 2011 - KINGS CANYON

Woke up this morning and didn’t think we were going to be able to do the Rim Walk at Kings Canyon today.  Cold wind and basically I am a sook…….Waited until after brunch and it appeared to be a little warmer and also not so windy.  Headed off on the walk at 12.00noon and it was breathtaking.  By the time we had been walking for ½ hour I had the jacket off and tied around my waist.  3 hours to complete the 6km walk and lots & lots of magnificent photos.  Unfortunately the photos do no justice at all to the spectacular scenery.
Tonight after dinner we are going to pack up and hitch the caravan back up for an early start tomorrow morning.  Need  to be on the road by 7.30am tomorrow.  We have a 500km day to get into Alice Springs for tomorrow night.

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