Wednesday, July 13, 2011

12th July 2011 - Kings Canyon - Alice Springs

On the road at 7.15am - good start.  A shower of rain while packing up so I had to follow Barry around holding the umbrella so he didn't get too wet.  Drove out of the showers by 8.00am.  Cant believe that so far on our trip I haven't spotted one eagle.  I think they must be so fat from eating all the mice around that they are unable to get off the ground!!! maybe further up the track where it is warmer we spot some...I hope so, I now have a new camera that should capture some great photos. Morning Tea at rest Area 63 then heading up to Rest Area 59 (Finke River Rest Area) for lunch.  Staying at Barry's friend from work - Rosie and her husband Steve's place.  They have very kindly let us park the Caravans at there place while we explore Alice Springs.  Cooked a roast lamb dinner in the camp oven on their fire pit for everyone and it was very nice.  Sat around the fire pit for a few drinks on a mild & balmy night - no wind.  Tomorrow going up to Standley Chasm and then into have a look at the Telegraph Station.  No pictures today......

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