Friday, July 22, 2011

22nd July 2011 - Darwin - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARRY

Today is Barry's birthday so we went off to Yots Greek Restaurant at Cullen Bay Marina for lunch.  Beautiful setting and wonderful food.  Brilliant way to spend a few hours. Then it was off to do a little exploring around Darwin before heading back to the caravan park for a swim and drink!!!!!!! Doesn't get too much better than that.........


1 comment:

  1. Finally got to take a look at your blog since you first started your adventure. And what a great time you seem to be having (except for your toothache Kay, must have been nothing worse), but pleased that Darwin has provided you the "pain free" option. Your Birthday Dinner in Darwin sounds great Barry, best wishes and many happy returns. You havent lost the camera touch Kay, your photos are superb (beautiful sunset and landscape scenes) and I see you are making the most of some warm weather. Must say though have we have all just returned from a very relaxing adventure ourselves. Boort, King's Billabong, Mildura, Menindie, Broken Hill, White Cliffs, Carrathool, Mathoura and home. Little bit of "outback" very enjoyable Campside cooking, big fires, happy hours, the rivers (Darling, Murray, Murrumbidgee), and the good company making it a peaceful and relaxing holiday. So take care you two, make the most of your time, it all ends so quickly. Terri
