Monday, July 4, 2011

3rd July 2011 - Crystal Brook CP - Camp 505 Monalena Lagoon Rest Area

Met up with Ken & Dianne 66kms south of Port Augusta this morning.  They have just completed 11 weeks up to Darwin, Broome & Perth and are now on their way home.  So happy to have managed to cross paths with them.  Dianne & I go back a long, long way, started grade 3 together and went right through High School, dated best mates and still remain great friends……!!!. Doing a shop at Port Augusta then heading to a free camp near Woomera.  Wayne was born at Woomera and wants to have a look at where his childhood house is.  Lovely and warm sitting in the car, just a little windy.  Found a great camp at 505 (Monalena Lagoon Rest Area,) tucked ourselves right down the back and got a fire going for the night.  We were about 200metres from the railway line and watched the GHAN go through.  The driver even gave us a toot……. !!!! Really interesting watching other campers arrive and set up.  There were 3 young Japanese guys arrive in a car (after dark) with a tent and they looked like “martians” roaming all around the camp with their lamps on their heads looking for wood to start their camp fire and cook their sausages.

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