Friday, July 8, 2011

6th July 2011 - Coober Pedy - Free Camp 50kms Sth Erldunda

Woke up this morning to an overcast morning but no wind.  The sky is grey and every now and then there is a sprinkling of rain.  Actually a very pleasant day to travel.  Decided not to go up 11kms of dirt road to see “The Breakaways”, from my memory of my last trip through here they are spectacular and look like a moonscape.  This was where a lot of Mad Max was filmed.  Disappointed Barry missed seeing them.  Pictures and info on the internet will just have to do.  Cooked my first meal in my DreamPot thermal cooker, Curry Chicken, really nice and also really easy.  Start the cooking process and seal it all up to let it continue cooking.  Too easy!!!!  Meat was very cheap in Coober Pedy.  $8.99kg for a leg of Lamb (that will end up in the Camp Oven)  MT at Cadney Park Homestead, rain has settled in now and it is quite cold.  Saw the first mouse at the SA/NT border.  Called into Kulgera Rest Area Roadhouse and what a smell.  Apparently from the mouse plague.  Found a good camp behind a truck stop 50kms south of Erldunda, mice everywhere – YUK I hate them.  2 mice ended up on Wayne’s lap while he was sitting beside the fire reading – YUK, YUK, YUK

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