Saturday, July 9, 2011

9th July 2011 - YALARA - (Uluru)

Up at 6.00am and off to the sunrise at Uluru.  Bit of a disappointment, 100's of people there and didn't notice too much change in the color. I was hoping for spectacular Purple, Red and brilliant orange that you see on all the postcards and all we got was Orange/Brown and absolutely freezing. Took our breakfast and had it at the beginning of the Kuniya Walk which was only 1km return and kept us a little warmer.  There is plenty of sunshine but the breeze is quite brisk to say the least. Headed off to the Cultural Centre which is fantastic, you could spend absolutely hours there.  We then decided to do a walk with a Ranger and went around to the Mala Walk.  Unfortunately the climb was closed today due to the wind so Wayne couldn't climb it.  I had already decided not to climb as I did the climb in 1996 when I was here last. Mala Walk up to Kantju Gorge was really interesting and I got lots of photos.

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